Applying for a visa in the UK is extremely expensive. The government has recently massively increased immigration visa fees – by as much as 35% in some cases – meaning that the process has now become unaffordable for many people.
However, it is possible to apply for a fee waiver, which means that if you are successful in your application, you can get a visa for free. Fee waivers are only available for applications for limited leave to remain. Generally you cannot apply for a fee waiver if you are applying for indefinite leave to remain.
Because of the recent increases to immigration visa fees, more people will now be eligible for a fee waiver. It is very important that people have information about who is eligible for a fee waiver, and the process of applying for one, as it could save them huge expense.
According to research from Praxis, two out of three people did not know that they could apply for a fee waiver.
This short blog explains how to make a fee waiver application, and what is currently happening with fee waiver applications. Please note that this blog is about the process of applying for a fee waiver from inside the UK. It is possible to apply for a fee waiver from outside of the UK in certain (limited) circumstances which are not covered here. Read more about this here.
Who is eligible for a fee waiver?
You will be eligible for a fee waiver if:
- You cannot afford the visa application fee
- You are destitute
- You are at risk of being destitute
- Your income is not enough to meet a child’s additional needs
For example, if you are on the 10 year route to indefinite leave to remain, and you are applying on the basis of family or private life, you may be eligible for a fee waiver. If this is successful, you do not have to pay the whole application fee.
You can apply for a fee waiver for just the Immigration Health Surcharge if you are able to pay the fee for making your immigration/human rights application. If you cannot afford to pay the application fee and the Immigration Health Surcharge, you can apply for a fee waiver for both.
Do I need a lawyer to make my fee waiver application?
You do not need to have a lawyer to submit a fee waiver application. The reality is that there is a shortage of lawyers who can help with these applications for free, and if you need a fee waiver you will likely not be able to afford a private lawyer.
However, if your fee waiver application is granted, you have 10 working days to make your application for leave to remain. You will be given a token code that allows you to apply for a visa without paying the application fee, and this code will only be valid for 10 days.
This means that when you apply for your fee waiver, you must also be prepared to make your application for leave to remain. If you do not submit your application within 10 days, your fee waiver will expire, and you will have to make a new application for a fee waiver. It is important that your leave to remain does not expire, otherwise you will become undocumented.
We know that there is demand for more information about doing the fee waiver application and the application for leave to remain yourself. With the right guidance and preparation, it is possible to make the application yourself.
If you have a problem with your fee waiver token code not working, you can try this email address to contact the Home Office: FeeWaiverTokenIssues@homeoffice.gov.uk
How do I make the fee waiver application?
You can apply for a fee waiver application yourself online here. It is free to apply for a fee waiver.
There is an application form which you will need to fill out with information about your financial and family situation, explaining clearly why you cannot afford to pay the fee. Try to put as much information as possible in the application form itself. If you do have some income, write a cover letter clearly explaining why you can’t afford the fee.
Once the application form is submitted, you have 10 working days (this means all weekdays except weekends and public holidays like bank holidays) to upload your documents. It is a good idea to have all your supporting documents ready before you submit your application, so that you do not miss this 10 day deadline. You will have a link to an online portal where you have to upload supporting documents, such as 6 month bank statements, and letters from charities who have supported you. Remember, the evidence you provide must clearly show why you are destitute. You can ask a friend or supporter that you trust to help check your application and supporting documents with you.
Read more in the Home Office’s fee waiver policy here. For a detailed guide to making a fee waiver application, read our fee waiver section on our 10 year route Toolkit page here.
What is happening with fee waiver applications currently?
During COVID-19, fee waiver applications were being granted quickly, and the process was quite straightforward. Recently, the Home Office has become stricter with fee waiver applications. There have been more explanatory emails and more requests for further information. More fee waivers applications are also being rejected than before.
There are also more delays for the outcome of fee waiver applications. We have heard that some people are waiting as long as 5 months for a decision. Sometimes, in cases of a long delay, the Home Office might ask for updated information from you – such as your most recent bank statements. Be prepared for this, and try to respond to any requests for more information from the Home Office within 10 days.
One possible way to speed up a decision on your fee waiver application can be to upload a cover letter into your online portal explaining how long you have been waiting, why this wait has been difficult, and that you are expecting a decision to come soon. In some cases, uploading a letter speeds up the Home Office decision making. Please note – this will not necessarily be a positive decision, but it might make a decision come quicker. Some people have been contacting the Home Office about a long delay on these email addresses: FeeWaiversEntryClearance@homeoffice.gov.uk or FHRDecisionService@homeoffice.gov.uk, fhrufwrcocq@homeoffice.gov.uk or ApplyOnlineE-Support@homeoffice.gov.uk. Please do comment on this blog if you have had success using any other email address.
Section 3c Leave
If you have submitted an application for a fee waiver before the expiry of your previous leave, your permission to stay in the UK will continue because of something called Section 3c Leave. This means that your previous grant of leave will continue.
Sometimes employers do not know about Section 3c Leave, which can cause a problem for your work. In fact, when you have Section 3c Leave, you are still entitled to work exactly as before. However, there is no legal obligation for an employer to carry out right-to-work checks to confirm that a person is eligible to work, so sometimes they will not do so. You may be able to use a ‘share code’ to prove your status to others, which you can access here. You can send a letter to your employer asking them to use the Employer Checking Service to see your right to work.
If you experience a long delay in hearing from an application for a fee waiver, you might find it harder to prove eligibility to work. This is because the Employment Checking Service is only valid for 6 months: the employer sometimes (wrongly) thinks that at the end of that 6 months, that you are no longer eligible to work. In these cases, it is worth explaining to your employer that the delay is outside of your control, but that you still have Section 3c Leave because you submitted a valid application for a fee waiver or extension of your leave to remain in time.
Remember, Section 3c Leave only applies if you have existing leave. This is why it is so important to make an application before the expiry date of your leave. Otherwise you will become undocumented. The deadline is midnight on the expiry date.
It is important to plan ahead for your fee waiver application, as well as for your application for leave to remain. It is a good idea to start preparing for your fee waiver application at least 4 weeks before the expiry of your leave to remain. Even if your visa renewal is not yet due, it is a really good idea to plan ahead for your fee waiver application if you cannot afford the fee, or do not think you will be able to afford the fees when the time comes. Remember that because of the recent visa fee increases, more people will be eligible for fee waivers than before.
I have applied for fee waiver and it been 5 months now i have received any update i have even email to home office on above email addresses but those email are on auto response which says you mail cannot be delivered.
Is there any new email address where i can get response.
Thank you
Hi, thanks for your message and sorry to hear about the massive delay you have experienced waiting for the outcome of your fee waiver application. It could be that the Home Office is no longer monitoring the email addresses provided. You might want to try this email address: fhrufwcocqueries@homeoffice.gov.uk
In solidarity, Right to Remain
Thank you so much to reply me i have received email and asked me to most recent bank statements of bank accounts which i have send them again so now how long they will take to make a descion?
I have received email from home office and they asked me to send them most recent bank statments etc i have uploaded but my question is how long does home office take to make decision?
Thank you
Hi Iqra, thanks for your message. Unfortunately it is not easy to say exactly when the Home Office will make a decision on your fee waiver application. We have heard that some people are waiting as long as 5 months for a decision. You have done the right thing in responding to the request for your most recent bank statements. In solidarity, Right to Remain
Hi please I don’t understand, when a workers given 60 days to find another job or leave UK after 60 days. Do I need to fill fee weiver together with Section 3C?.
Also what sort of evidence to provide to home office. The thing is employees licence has been cancelled and home office gave the employees 60 days to find new employment which is a bit difficult at the moment, so I want to apply for fee weiver, so am not sure if it’s submitted together with 3C
Thank you so much for your very educative blog, a lot of people are engaging Lawers and I noticed here that a person can do the fee weiver without the need to pay a lawyer
Thanks so much for your comment Mike. You might be interested in reading our Key Guide on Work Exploitation and Migrant Workers Rights, here It has more information on the visa sponsorship system, which means that if you want to change your employer who is also your visa sponsor, you have just 60 days to do so. You may also be interested in our page on Visas.
You do not make an application for Section 3c leave, this is something that applies to you automatically if you submitted an application for a fee waiver or leave to remain before the expiry of your current leave.
In solidarity, Right to Remain
Hi Iqra,
I just want to confirm whether your fee waiver application was approved or rejected.
I’m also waiting for the decision and my BRP is about to expire on 17 September 2024.
i took me 7 months to get a reply from home about my feewaiver, the draft the letter the 14th may 2024 and sent me and email about the decision on the 20th may. i have to use the code within 10 working days but the issuse am now facing is the anytime i try to use the code it saying invalid, i dont know what to do anymore more please help.
Sorry to hear about your very long delay.
The advice if this happens is to make sure all your details exactly match the way you entered them for the fee waiver application. Double check the date of birth, spelling of all your names (first name, middle name, last name), and title (e.g. did you use ‘Ms’ or ‘Miss’?). Your details must be exactly the same.
You might also want to trying e-mailing this address: feewaivertokenissues@homeoffice.gov.uk
Hi. I am waiting for more than 7 months and I still don’t have any answer back yet. I have sent 2 emails for this email address:fhrufwcocqueries@homeoffice.gov.uk and the others as well which is in the website. No one replied back .
Why it is taking so long?
I have an email address which worked last week – got a reply in one day confirming withdrawal
It’s: fhrufwcocqueries@homeoffice.gov.uk
If for some reason it doesn’t work, try
Hi can you tell me please how long take after fee wiver approval
Hi Aleena, thanks for your message. We are hearing of long delays in fee waiver decisions at the moment. Sometimes in cases of a long delay, the Home Office might ask you for more information on your financial situation, so be prepared to respond to any requests you receive. Some people have been contacting the Home Office about a long delay on this email address: FeeWaiversEntryClearance@homeoffice.gov.uk or FHRDecisionService@homeoffice.gov.uk, or fhrufwrcocq@homeoffice.gov.uk.
In solidarity, Right to Remain
If the fee increase non in February and our application is refused, do we need to pay the new prices, they’ve doble now, will be impossible for us, my application is already there for 3 months :(
Hi Andrieli, thanks for your message. Here’s the latest news about the increase to the Immigration Health Surcharge: https://freemovement.org.uk/immigration-health-surcharges-increases-with-effect-from-6-february-2024/
In solidarity, Right to Remain
I applied for a visa application fee waiver five days before my visa expiry date. This was because I put in an application for a family visa and already paid ihs and could not afford to pay the visa application fee its self. It was on the page I saw I could apply which I did. I had issue proving my right to work at my work so I couldn’t work. But they called me to say there was an error in communication and would be paid by 31 and my visa expires 30th Jan 2024. I already put down an application for a visa fee waiver. Is it still possible to pay for the other application on the 31st?
Hi Emmanuel, thank you for your message. See the information in the blog above about proving your right to work with your employer – because you submitted an in-time application for a fee waiver your previous grant of leave will continue because of Section 3c Leave. You can use the template letter to share this information with your employer. You might want to ask for legal advice at a law centre near you. In solidarity, Right to Remain.
Hi, I applied for fee waiver for my 10 year parent route extension on 4th October 2023 and up to now no response from The home office. It is 4 months now and my job has said if I do not update my status by April they will sack me. I don’t know what to do now.Please advice me , can I cancel and borrow money to pay?
Hi, I applied for fee waiver on the 4th October 2023 and up to date no response from home office. Now my work has give me ultimatum that by April if I don’t provide them with the right to work document I will be sack. I’m really on the edge. Any advice?
Hi Emmanuel, sorry to hear about what you are experiencing.
If you submitted an in-time application for a fee waiver (before the expiry of your previous grant of leave), your permission to stay and work in the UK will continue because of Section 3c Leave. When you have Section 3c Leave, you are still entitled to work exactly as before. You may be able to use a ‘share code’ to prove your status to your employer, which you can access following the link in the blog above. You can also send a letter to your employer asking them to use the Employer Checking Service to see your right to work.
If you experience a long delay in hearing from an application for a fee waiver, you might find it harder to prove eligibility to work. This is because the Employment Checking Service is only valid for 6 months: the employer sometimes (wrongly) thinks that at the end of that 6 months, that you are no longer eligible to work. In these cases, it is worth explaining to your employer that the delay is outside of your control, but that you still have Section 3c Leave because you submitted a valid application for a fee waiver or extension of your leave to remain in time.
In solidarity, Right to Remain
right to remain
i have sumitted a fee waiver application, i was given a portal link to upload documents, which i did and i clicked submit
my question is how do i know if my application went through , there was no email back confirming , i am worried cause my visa will expire soon, i just want ot make sure i have a proof that i submitted the waiver request
Hi thanks for your comment. This government website says you should get a confirmation email from the Home Office. Have you checked your spam and email filter? You could always try emailing the Home Office using the emails in the blog above. In solidarity, Right to Remain
Same thing happened to me I applied last year in October, and I didnt get any confirmation email and until now nothing from homeoffice. I have even contacted homeoffice, they said all you have to do is wait. If homeoffice need any more documents they will contact you themselves.
I’ve applied for someone’s fee waiver. They send confirmation within minutes after you click Submit on portal.
In your case go back to the portal and scroll down to the bottom there will be your reference number and application status.
Yeah I have application reference number but status it says pending. What does it means?
This means that the Home Office has not yet made a decision on your application.
I also applied through the portal and in minutes I got a email that no fee needed for my application
hiii, same things. i have applied 19th April 2024. they send me portal link, i submitted document but i haven’t received confirmation yet. i know where my application went through. do we have to post physical documents?
You do not have to post physical documents for a fee waiver application.
Hi.can i apply for my new born.my ilr is in july 2024.baby born in dec 2023.can i apply fee waiver for my baby after my ilr??
Hi Hafiz, thanks for your comment.
See this information here about applying for a fee waiver for a child’s citizenship application: https://www.gov.uk/get-child-citizenship-fee-waiver
In solidarity, Right to Remain
Write to your Local MP I did and the home office approved my fee waiver after five months I wrote to the MP on fourteenth of January application was approved ninth with my MP saying an imminent decision was due to be made.
I have submitted my fee waiver application on 29th of September. I haven’t heard anything yet. I am worried
It’s 10 years family route. Please advise me what shall I do . Is there any number or email address I can chase.
Kind Regards
Hi Tanjila, sorry to hear about the delay you have experienced. Unfortunately lots of people are experiencing quite long delays at the moment. We have listed some possible emails in the blog above.
I made a fee waiver application and it was approved and submitted a discretionary leave to remain application for private or family life March 2023, the application is still being considered and I’ve contacted my local MP and also the university of my daughter have also contacted the Home Office for a reply. Yet every time we have received a reply that is still being considered. Is there anything else we can do or an email to write a letter to to help the situation. Hope to hear back soon. Thank you.
Hi how long exactly did it take for them to give your fee waiver decision as know one can seem to exactly give a timeline on how long it took so people can have some kind of estimate and hope. Its like if you apply for a fee waiver they make you more destitute
So sorry to hear about your delay in receiving a fee waiver decision. Unfortunately the Home Office does not say how long they will take, and we hear of people waiting for many months. We have recently published a new page on Destitution and Housing which may be of some help. In solidarity, Right to Remain.
Hiya i applied for fee waiver in jan 2024 and havent received responss from HO yet. My leave is expiring end of march 2024. Should i wait for a decision for fee waiver or can i submit my application without fee until i get a response. I do not end up being an over stayer. Can you please guide me. Thanks
Hi Muhammad. Once you have submitted an in-time application for a fee waiver your rights and entitlements to live and work in the UK continue under what is called Section 3c Leave – explained in the blog above. It might be a good idea to check that your fee waiver application is still pending an update, and try and ask the Home Office to give you a response. In solidarity, Right to Remain.
I am single mom.just completed my masters.can i apply full fees for poststudy for myself and apply for fee waiver for my children .while i wait for approval for thiers.although i know my brp will not come out until thiers is sorted.thank you
If employee has made an application for a fee waiver prior to their visa expirey, but while waiting a decision on the fee waiver application, their visa has now expired, do they still have the right to work? If so do you have a link to this in legislation that you could share?
Hi Kelly, yes this person’s right to work would continue under Section 3c Leave of the Immigration Act 1971. See more information from the NRPF network here: https://www.nrpfnetwork.org.uk/information-and-resources/rights-and-entitlements/immigration-status-and-entitlements/section-3c-leave
Hi, good day sir/madam.
Pls I have applied for fee waiver application since August 28th 2023 and up till now no response, I have send an email 4 times now but still no reply as I am really worried and don’t no what to do.
Any advice from you pls
Thanks in advance.
Hi topa
Have you received a response yet, sorry to hear you waited so long
Hi there hope you are well, I applied for fee waiver before my visa expire since February, for how long should I wait, and how I can know if I did the correct one,I open account and I upload all documents which asked me for,my status says pending updates what this mean,thank you in advance. Regards
Thanks for all you do.
I am currently working on a Skilled Worker Visa with a monthly pay of ~£1900. The 2-bedroom apartment where I live with my wife costs £825, excluding bills and Band B council tax as well as other living expenses.
At the moment, my wife is currently looking for a job so I am the main income earner and we barely break even.
I recently got a better job offer and the employer is willing to provide CoS for a new Skilled Worker visa. The challenge is that with the new rates, it costs about £12,500 for both the visa application costs and the 5-year Immigration Health Surcharge. Unfortunately, we do not have any savings and cannot afford this cost. Do you think it is possible to get a fee waiver based on unaffordability?
Thank you.
Thanks for this updates.I submitted my fee waiver since October 24th 2023 before my current leave to remain expires and haven’t heard anything from home office. My employer is asking me to prove my right to work again before the end of April.I am worried about the delay from the home office
Thanks for your comment. Because you submitted an in-time application for a fee waiver, your rights and entitlements (including your right to work) will continue under Section 3c leave. Some people may not understand Section 3c leave. If this happens, it can help to send them a letter explaining what 3C leave is, and what your rights are. Here is a website with a template letter you might want to use: https://www.childrenslegalcentre.com/resources/3c-leave-template-letter/
Currently am holding post study work permit visa which is valid until this month end . and i have appolied for fee waiver and got the application number. I have provided the same to my employer .. now they are asking for type of visa i applied for ? How can I mention that its a fee waiver ? is it a problem for my employemnet?
Hi there, you can explain to your employer about Section 3c leave which means your rights and entitlements continue. Good luck, Right to Remain
Hi there hope you are well, I applied for fee waiver before my visa expire since February, for how long should I wait, and how I can know if I did the correct one,I open account and I upload all documents which asked me for,my status says pending updates what this mean,thank you in advance. Regards
‘Pending updates’ means your application is being considered. There are very long waiting times at the moment, but if you submitted an in-time application for a fee waiver your rights continue under Section 3c leave. In solidarity, Right to Remain
Iam working and my wages comes in my account weekly although they are limited but I don’t have right of work at the moment bcz of my immigration control … fortunately my company didn’t ask for updated visa … can I apply fee waiver before my LTR application ? Would it be effect on my current job ?
You can apply for a fee waiver before the expiry of your current leave. If you make an in time application, your rights will continue under what is called Section 3c leave. In solidarity, Right to Remain
Thanks for all you do.
I am currently on skilled worker visa and my sponsor’s license was revoked. My leave has been shortened and I have not been able to get another sponsor. Now my leave will soon expire. If I make a fee waiver application before my leave expire to secure my legality and 3 weeks later I am able to get a new sponsor. Do I immediately make a skilled worker application update or I would need to make the application after certain time frame? Thanks
Hi there, sorry to hear about your situation. If you make an in-time application for a fee waiver before the expiry of your current leave, your rights and entitlements will continue under Section 3c Leave.
Can I send the cover letter to the home office while send the supporting documents for the fee waiver ???
Home office is asking me to send the 6months bank statement..I need this early back while I filled the fee waiver application ..
Why are they asking me to send it again ?
Hi Farooq, yes you can send over a cover letter to the Home Office. This can be useful sometimes in explaining all the documents you submit. After you have submitted, the Home Office can come back to you with requests for more information if they think there is something missing. Good luck, Right to Remain
Hi I have applied for fee waiver but when i login to portal link it shows status pending. I was wondering if I can get any help, what does that mean?
hi, I sent an application for a fee waiver, at the time my kid’s dad had passed and it was a difficult time for my kids especially since my 2nd one was struggling mentally I did not send the documents needed and I was refused, I send another application on 27 feb but up till now I have still not heard from them and my leave to remain has expired now, when I called the home office they lady said my leave to remain will still extend because I have an application with them before my visa expired. my other problem is now Universal Credit has also said my rights will be removed since if I don’t prove my right to stay in the UK, I am not sure what to do now, i don’t want to lose my home this is crazy I feel I am bing punched from all sides not even considering my situation.
So sorry to hear about your experience, that sounds very difficult. Maybe you could attend a Citizens Advice Centre near you, or a Law Centre for free advice. In solidarity, Right to Remain.
I applied for fee waiver for my twins. Got the Home office application confirmation, then another email to submit the documents via portal.
After submitting this documents there was no other email from Home Office confirming the documents were summited. However, when I log in unto the portal, and see the status of the application is: “pending update”
Please does someone has an explanation for this, is it the same with everyone when they log in to the portal?
Hi. I have the same message when log into portal. I never received any confirmation from Home office of confirming if my application was complete. It’s weird.
What if my application for a waiver is rejected, how many days will the home office give me to fully pay for my visa application or leave UK
Hi there. It depends if you are making a new application or renewing your leave. If you are renewing your leave to remain your leave will expire if you don’t apply for further leave within 10 days of the fee waiver decision.
I have made numerous Fee waiver applications, i am sponsor for my wife. On each occasion rejected for petty reason and evidence that they do not read all provided documents sent.
Example. Have sent in letter of support and clearly state sole financial provider, now they ask for documentation to this effect..
Can you advise
Next they ask for Annotated Bank Statements, don’t even know what they want.
I provided a breakdown of all transactions over £ 250 and they said it not clear what these transactions were..
Where do wrote go next.
Hi Philip, sorry to hear you have had such difficult experiences. The idea behind the annotated bank statements is that you print out your bank statements and on the paper copy you highlight every transaction over a certain amount explaining exactly what this purchase was. Good luck.
Hi I made the fee waiver earlier than in-time, my visa expired on 19th of April, I made it on 08th March. Is it be ok or I have to do another one ?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards
Hi lydia,
What did you decide to do as I am in similar situation?
Did you make a new application
I applied fee Waiver for my son almost 8 months ago when he was four months and now he is one year old and there is no decision from Home office yet . Whenever we contacted them they said we had backlog that’s why it’s taking long time and in the meantime you can submit your bank statement again.
Thanks for sharing your experience. This is very frustrating to have to wait so long. It is quite common for the Home Office to ask for additional documents about your financial circumstances.
Hello sir.
I am from Afghanistan and my family submitted through solicitor fee waiver application 4 months ago. During that time asked multiple questions including my family Bank statements, signature, documents etc.
I am confused weither my application refuse or accepted it’s externally delayed.
Ask the solicitor who completed your fee waiver application for an update. There are very long waiting times at the moment. In solidarity.
I hope this message finds you well.
I wanted to inform you that I have successfully applied for the fee waiver for my visa application. Additionally, I have submitted my visa application and booked an appointment with the SSC (Service Support Center). However, I couldn’t secure an appointment slot sooner than one month from now, but I went ahead and booked it anyway.
I’m now eager to know the expected timeframe within which the Home Office will make a decision on my visa application. Could you please provide any insight or guidance on this matter?
Thank you for your assistance.
Well done on the successful fee waiver application and visa application. Sorry we cannot guess how long the Home Office will take deciding your application! In solidarity.
Hello! I got the decision for Feewaiver from Home Office 2 days ago, i submit the application for Leave To Remain on Family Route, but when i put the Token Codes to complete the application it said ‘This codes are not valid because may already expired or have been used before’. This doesn’t make sense. Do you have any idea what can i do ? I contact applyonlinee-support@homoffice.gov.uk but they said i don’t find this as a technical support.
I have the same problem?how did you sort it out please?I don’t know what to do
I have experiencing same problem and the mail from e support says they have forwarded to the right department
Do I have to wait until there response? Or need to contact any other department?
Please advise and I am worrying about the deadline to use the fee waiver code
Those waiting for a fee waiver there is a massive backlog please read this article
I contacted my MP I got response from the home office which they have mentioned that they cannot give a timeframe and the caseworker has not looked at it yet I have been waiting since July last year home office said there are people waiting longer than me, the home office mentioned to the MP those who have applied in the last six month won’t receive a response for the next twelve to eighteen months. If you have evidence that your parents are going to die or have a funeral to attend to you have to show evidence and they will fast track your application within a week
Hi there,
I hope this message finds you well.
How long is it currently taking the Home Office to respond to fee waiver request applications please? We have been waiting for 2 months and received no response as of yet.
Thanks in advance
I am sorry to hear of your long delay in waiting for a decision.
We have heard that some people are waiting as long as 5 months for a decision. This blog explains that many people are in this position.
In solidarity, Right to Remain
Dear Right to remain Team
Thank you so much for your valuable reply regarding fee waiver application
I have benefited from the comment and your replies
My fee waiver application accepted last week after 10 months and when I try to enter the token code it says
“This code is invalid, enter a valid code. The code may be invalid because it has expired or has already been used.“
This is not correct and could you please advise how to resolve this problem
Highly appreciated your support in this matter
Thank you
Hi Mohamed, sorry that you have experienced this issue.
You might want to try emailing: FeeWaiverTokenIssues@homeoffice.gov.uk to explain your situation and request a new working code. If that does not work this email: fhrufwcocqueries@homeoffice.gov.uk
Wishing you all the best, Right to Remain
Hi Mohamed, After fee waiver application accepted, How are you applying your application ?
Please I need help. I made a fee waiver application for my family, my wife, son and I. Our visa was going to expire on the 9th of August before I did the application.
Now when I checked out right to work, mine has been extended. But my wife’s own is not?
What could be the cause of this and what is the way forward please?
We cannot advise on your situation, but it might be a good idea to ask a legal caseworker to have a look at your wife’s permission to work. In solidarity, Right to Remain.
Hi. Am I correct in understanding that a fee waiver application cannot be used for an application for indefinate leave to remain? If so, are there any other reliefs for fees ILR?
Also, if I needed more time to arrange the application fees for my ILR application, could I still submit a fee waiver application before the expiry of my current visa to gain extra time?
Thanks for your comment. You are correct, unfortunately there is currently no fee waiver available for an application for indefinite leave to remain. See more information here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/applications-for-a-fee-waiver-and-refunds/fee-waiver-human-rights-based-and-other-specified-applications#applications-for-which-a-fee-waiver-cannot-be-requested
In solidarity, Right to Remain
Hi, my visa expires in October, i have applied for a fee waiver and still haven’t heard from them. What do i do in case my visa expires ? Because i need a decision before i can apply for a visa renewal
Hi Wendy, if you have made a valid in-time application for a fee waiver, your rights and entitlements will continue under what is called Section 3c leave.
How to apply after approved fee waiver application ? Any help will be appreciated.
After your fee waiver has been granted you will be given a code, or token, that you need to use when you are submitting your application for leave.