a barbed wire fence against the background of a blue but cloudy sky

Immigration Raids: Community Discussion


On 27 February 2025, Right to Remain hosted an online Community Discussion on Immigration Raids, and the new Home Office guidance which seeks to ban refugees from citizenship. This short blog gives a recap of the session.

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Attendees of the Sheffield event posing and holding up banners that say 'No One is Illegal', 'Solidarity Knows No Borders', and 'Right to Remain'
a map of Ukraine depicted in the Ukrainian flag's colours of blue and yellow.

Immigration Raids: Community Discussion 27th February


Right to Remain are hosting a community meeting on immigration raids on the 27th February, 11am-1pm, online.

This community discussion will cover the basics of immigration raids: what they are, what your rights are, and how to support your community. It will also provide space to talk about the new citizenship ban for certain migrants.

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Placards used at a protest, laid on the ground. The placards are different colours (orange, blue, and white) and feature slogans like 'These Walls Must Fall', 'No to Rwanda!' and 'No One Is Illegal'
illustration depicts a row of people, protesting with their arms linked. Some wear masks. Two hold posters reading 'Solidarity Knows No Borders' and 'These Walls Must Fall'.
the silhouette of a small bird perched on a barbed wire fence

Bye bye Bibby Stockholm


For the first time since it was docked off the port of Portland in July 2023, the Bibby Stockholm prison barge has been towed away.

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