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Cecilia’s Story: A Journey of Resistance and Hope Beyond Detention

Right to Remain called for an end to immigraiton detention at the screening of the film, Cecilia’s Journey – Ghosts of Yarls Wood, at the National Justice Museum in Nottingham.

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Placards used at a protest, laid on the ground. The placards are different colours (orange, blue, and white) and feature slogans like 'These Walls Must Fall', 'No to Rwanda!' and 'No One Is Illegal'

The ‘Safety of Rwanda Act’ will be repealed

In response to Asylum Aid’s legal challenge to the Rwanda plan, the Home Secretary, confirmed that the government will repeal (this means cancel) the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024.

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New Home Office policy seeks to bar refugees from British citizenship

There have been changes to the ‘Good Character’ policy guidance used by Home Office caseworkers who assess applications for British citizenship. These changes are likely to have a significant negative impact upon people with refugee status who apply for British citizenship after 10 February 2025. 

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illustration depicts a row of people, protesting with their arms linked. Some wear masks. Two hold posters reading 'Solidarity Knows No Borders' and 'These Walls Must Fall'.

Immigration raids: your rights, and what to do

We have put together this blog against the backdrop of an increasingly violent and Hostile Environment towards migrants in the UK.

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Standing in Solidarity Against the Hostile Environment: A Reflection and Call to Action

Maggy Moyo, These Walls Must Fall Organiser, reflects on the ongoing fight against the hostile environment and the urgent need to abolish in-person reporting.

Maggy shares how solidarity actions across the country offer hope and calls for more people to join the fight for change.

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the silhouette of a small bird perched on a barbed wire fence

Bye bye Bibby Stockholm

For the first time since it was docked off the port of Portland in July 2023, the Bibby Stockholm prison barge has been towed away.

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Streamlined asylum process for children continues

The Home Office has updated its guidance on the streamlined process for children’s asylum claims, and now the process will continue for some children.

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Welcoming our new Comms and Admin intern, Natalie!

Say hello to our new Comms and Admin intern, Natalie!

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