Amidst a grim legacy, a beautiful gesture


Farewell Theresa May.

At Right to Remain, we have seen just how many lives and communities have been ruined (and indeed how many lives have been lost) because of Theresa May’s Hostile Environment.

There were many harmful immigration and asylum policies before May took on the mantle of Home Secretary, but she was responsible for multiplying, extending and consolidating that harm and violence during her time in that role and for maintaining that approach as Prime Minister.

We’ve been picking up the pieces from these policies, supported those affected, and have brought together community campaigners to mitigate the harm and to try and bring down the whole Hostile Environment altogether.

So it was a lovely surprise when Sarah tweeted, just after the announcement of Theresa May’s resignation was made, that she was donating to our work to celebrate the news, and encouraging others to do the same.

It can be a bit embarrassing sharing nice things people say about us, but it gives us hope, and strength to keep on fighting … so we’re going to do it anyway :)

We’re under no illusions that things will necessarily improve under the next leader. Or that a different approach from the Home Office will instantly come into force.

But some things are changing.

We wrote recently about the diminishing public support for immigration enforcement operations. Polling shows that “immigration” is less of a toxic issue with the public than it has been in recent years. More human stories are making headline news, which reveal the actual impact of these policies. As the government attempts to outsource border control to the community – by trying to require landlords, teachers, healthcare workers and bank employers to check immigration status – more people come into contact with enforcement and what borders actually mean. And people don’t like it.

We have faith in solidarity. We have hope due to witnessing and supporting people surviving and succeeding in the asylum and immigration system. We are inspired by the ordinary people fighting for their community members.

We will carry on, working harder and smarter, for as long as our work is needed. And, together, building a world where our work isn’t needed.

You can help us do this.

It’s quick and easy to donate to our work via our website here.

Regular giving is even better! With more people committing to a regular donation, we can see how much money we will have in the year, and even years ahead. This means we can plan our work responsibly. Our work is more in demand than ever: we need to make sure we have enough money to do the work we want, and are being asked, to do.

You can start a monthly donation with your debit or credit card, or set up a standing order from your bank account. Find out more here.



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