Join the Refugee Solidarity Summit this weekend


We are very pleased to be part of the Refugee Solidarity Summit, a convening of grassroots solidarity networks, non profit organisations, activists, volunteers, community organisers and NGO’s working in the areas of refugee support, solidarity, advocacy and welcome in the UK and across Europe.

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Equal treatment in appeal hearings

Legal Updates

Taking a look at structural unfairness, when behaviour of the Home Office representatives at appeal hearings is treated very differently by judges and the Tribunal than when someone seeking asylum or other right to remain does something comparable.

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Our 2019: a year in review


Tempting as it is to not look back at this year, it’s important to remember the small successes, and how we’ve survived this year to fight for a better one.

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Polling Station

General Election 2019 – some useful information and links


It can’t have escaped your attention that there is a general election looming in the UK. You might not know this, but it isn’t just British citizens who can vote. We’ve put together some information and useful links here to help you with the democratic process.

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Uganda’s anti-LGBT+ law may be back

Legal Updates

According to the Ethics and Integrity Minister Simon Lokodo, the Ugandan government is intending to re-table the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, that threatened to become law five years ago.

Reuters news agency reports that the bill will be re-introduced in parliament in the coming weeks and is expected to be voted on before the end of the year.

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