Drawing of a bail hearing by video link

Video link bail hearings: limiting access to justice


PhD researcher Jo Hynes wrote this week about her observations on the use of video link technology in immigration bail hearings.

During her observations, bail was refused in 31% of the cases heard via video link and never refused in instances where cases were heard in person.

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Learning together, sharing together, surviving together


We launched the Right to Remain asylum navigation board (co-developed with Dr Victoria Canning of Bristol University and Calverts design and print cooperative) in Glasgow last week.

Here, Lisa Matthews (coordinator at Right to Remain) talks to Josh at Third Works about the asylum navigation board, and the main stages of the UK asylum process (in 2 minutes!).

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New Patients Not Passports toolkit


Docs Not Cops, Migrants Organise and Medact have launched a new toolkit designed to support you in advocating for people facing charges for NHS care, and in taking action to end immigration checks and upfront charging in the NHS.

There’s guidance if you’re supporting someone being charged for healthcare, the facts about the NHS charges, and tools so you can campaign for change in your local area.

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Leave to remain as a stateless person in the UK

Legal Updates

A stateless person, as defined by the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons is “a person who is not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law”.

Although the UK signed up the 1954 Convention, there was no formal mechanism for recognising and providing protection to stateless people until 2013.

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