the image shows a child's hand colouring in a geometric pattern. There is also a glass jar of colourful crayons.
a pink piggy bank placed upon a pile of gold coins
a white illustration on a black background of a Home Office van, under the title 'An anatomy of racist intimidation'. Illustration by Migrants Right's Network

Call for Evidence on Fee Waiver Process


On 21 August, the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI) launched a call for evidence on the fee waiver process. Anyone with knowledge and experience of the Home Office’s fee waiver process can submit evidence using the email address provided.

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Two Right to Remain staff members holding up a banner that reads 'Right to Remain, campaigning for migration justice'

Understanding the Radical Solidarity Hub

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Over the past 18 months, Right to Remain has reconnected with hundreds of groups, small and large, across the UK using our Toolkit and doing much needed solidarity work with people who are caught up in the hostile asylum and immigration system. 

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