Saturday 8 Feb, 10am – 4pm, Sheffield City Centre
The Labour Government has announced their intention to ramp up immigration enforcement. We think this means more raids, more detention and more deportations – and we need to be ready.
As well as turning our focus to fighting against immigration detention, Right to Remain is now visiting different parts of the UK to explore what knowledge is needed in our communities, what radical solidarity could mean in this context and what we should be doing now to build our communities’ collective power.
After our visits to Birmingham and Nottingham, on Saturday 8 February 2025, we are teaming up with our friends SYMAAG (South Yorkshire Migration Asylum Action Group) and MRG (Migration Research Group) to host a solidarity gathering in Sheffield. You will be learning about reporting and detention and thinking about how to build resistance against enforcement together. You will be making new connections, meeting local migration justice groups and strengthening community solidarity too. The event will run from 10am to 4pm. We will let you know the event location (Sheffield City Centre) once your booking has been confirmed.
Would you like to join us?
We ask those who can afford it to make a £10 or £5 solidarity donation to attend the event, which will be donated to SYMAAG.
We have also set aside some free tickets for people who are unwaged. We do not want the event to be a talking shop! Everyone who is planning their next step to build a stronger migration justice movement is welcome!
Please select the ticket that applies to you below.
If you are in the Sheffield area and are seeking asylum or unable to afford local travel fare due to immigration status and need support with travel expenses, please let the SYMAAG team know on the day and they will try to assist where possible.