What does solidarity mean to you?


Solidarity is at the heart of Right to Remain’s work. But what does this word mean?

We asked the asylum and migrant groups that we work with, across the UK, to tell us what “solidarity” means to them.

Here’s what they said, in videos and quotes.

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Again we say, no one left behind


Amidst the turmoil of Brexit negotiations, the uncertain political timetables and seemingly more division than ever in our political world, has come a rare moment of unity.

Earlier this week, as the proposed Immigration Bill was debated in the House of Commons, there was cross-party support for (long overdue) detention reform.

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Making the case against borders


This episode of #TyskySour, hosted by Novara Media, is well worth a watch (or listen – it also comes as a podcast) for those thinking and talking about what a left-wing government’s immigration policy might look like. Featuring Dalia Gebrial, a PhD student at LSE and editor at Novara Media, and Omar Khan, of the Runnymede Trust.

With the operation of borders inevitably leading to racialised violence, how can we best argue for open borders? What policies might be brought in to reach that point?

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The Home Office is “out of control”


Just released: a must-watch short film about the actions and trial of the Stansted 15, the Home Office’s brutal treatment of people, and the incredible support these peaceful protesters have received.

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