Preparing our community for the impact of the “Illegal Migration Act”: Post-event information

November 2023

Thank you for attending and contributing to our community discussion on the impacts of the so-called Illegal Migration Act. As promised, please find key resources that cover the topics discussed below.

  • Get access to Legal Updates about changes to immigration law and policy by signing up to our newsletter.
  • For a full summary of the Illegal Migration Act as it is now (frequently updated), please read our article here.
  • For a thematic analysis of the impacts and responses to the Act (when it was still a Bill), please read our article here.
  • The Migration Justice Project (NI) published a useful briefing, including a table that outlines the key provisions of the IMA and whether or not they have been implemented here.
  • For further legal analysis of the IMA, please read this Free Movement blog post here.

To buy an iconic ‘No One Is Illegal’ T-Shirt and other merchandise, visit our shop here!

Want to order Right to Remain Toolkit flyers for your community and service users? Click here.

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