Friday 6th December, 10am – 1pm
10 year route and fee waivers
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Join us for a workshop on the 10 year route and fee waivers. This workshop is online, and open to people all across the UK.
In this interactive workshop we will cover the basics of the 10 year route and fee waiver applications. This workshop is introductory, and is designed for people navigating the immigration system as well those supporting them. The aim of this workshop is to help build confidence and familiarity with these topics, rather than to help participants complete immigration applications.
Please note, this is not a casework space, and we will not be able to offer any immigration advice. We will also not be able to support with individual applications.
What will we cover in the workshop?
- Basic introduction to Right to Remain’s resources, and how to use them
- Demystifying the 10 year route to settlement
- How to make a fee waiver application
- Evidence required, case studies
We are asking any funded group, or organisation with paid staff members to pay a donation of £15 for a ticket. This covers vital staff costs and ensures the future of Right to Remain’s public legal education work.
Please note that only 2 participants from the same organisation / group will be accepted.
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