Brand new videos about the UK asylum system

Legal Updates

We are very excited to announce the launch of brand new videos about the UK asylum system, a joint project between Refugee Info Bus, Right to Remain and Sara Khyat Art Work.

Based on the Right to Remain Toolkit, with translations by Refugee Info Bus and with stunning animation by Sara, these videos will help people understand their rights at crucial stages of the asylum process.

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Child migrants welcome


We are proud to be part of this short film from Child Migrant Stories, now available on YouTube.

Child Migrants Welcome? explores the welcome received by unaccompanied child refugees both historically under the Kindertransport scheme before World War Two and today.

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This is what solidarity looks like


Ken Macharia reported to the Home Office last week, flanked by his Bristol Bisons team-mates.

Practical solidarity is needed every day, in quiet ways and loud, to survive and succeed in navigating the legal system.

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Amidst a grim legacy, a beautiful gesture


At Right to Remain, we have seen just how many lives and communities have been ruined (and indeed how many lives have been lost) by Theresa May’s Hostile Environment.

So it was a lovely surprise when someone tweeted that, to celebrate the news of May’s resignation, she was donating to our work.

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Bureaucratic barriers to rights

Legal Updates

As anyone attempting to make an online immigration application in recent weeks will know, the system is in a mess. A right royal mess.

In recent months, many applications have been made online only and the process has been outsourced to a company called Sopra Steria.

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