someone writing on a pile of papers on a desk with their right hand. there's a mug in the background

Thinking about evidence in family life, rights of the child cases

Legal Updates

At one of the training sessions we ran this week with volunteers who are keen to learn more and do more for people seeking the right to remain in the UK – we looked at evidence.  What ‘evidence’ means, in the context of asylum, immigration and human rights cases.  How someone can get this evidence, and how others can help them.  We discussed how important documentary evidence is, when so many legal cases are refused on the basis of credibility – the Home Office or the courts don’t believe you are telling the truth.

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Freed Voices statement in support of the Stansted 15


Between them, the Freed Voices group have lost over 20 years to detention in this country. “Freed Voices stand in solidarity with the 15 brave individuals who are facing trial for taking part in a peaceful protest and stopping a charter flight at Stansted airport..”

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“Who doesn’t want another chance?”


“I’ve had my life and purpose affirmed again and again by the asylum and refugee led groups who attend and shape our annual gathering, and by having a management committee which is balanced between those who are allies and those who are experts by experience. To be amongst these people, for me, has been being deeply and truly to be amongst ‘my people’.”

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