Build Unions Not Borders!


The Labour Campaign for Free Movement is selling great t-shirts and tote bags with to raise money for their campaign, and are kindly donating half the proceeds to us!

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Preparing in case of detention

Legal Updates

Much of the Right to Remain Toolkit is based on people’s direct experience of the asylum and immigration system, and the ideas and actions they have found helpful to navigate the system and survive.

That’s particularly true for the Toolkit section on Preparing in Case of Detention.

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the group outside

Young people say: No One Is Illegal!


‘Feel like you don’t belong’ ‘Useless’ ‘Unsafe’ ‘No trust’ ‘Devalued’ ‘Criminal’ ‘Not a human being’. ‘Feel like you don’t belong’. Brighter Futures, a group of young Londoners, talk about the use of the word “illegal” to describe people.

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civil rights march with banner

Migrant Rights as Civil Rights


Asylum seekers and migrants in Northern Ireland today face a host of curtailments to their rights. Many of these rights are the same as those which were at the crux of the Civil Rights movement 50 years ago.

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Detention centre walkway

Post-detention accommodation – briefing from BID

Legal Updates

Last month, the organisation Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) released a briefing on the current situation of post-detention accommodation.

Already a problematic area, post-detention accommodation is now a crisis situation following the changes made in January 2018 (which you can read about on our blog here) which included the abolition of Section 4(1) accommodation. This accommodation was provided by the Home Office to people released from detention with nowhere else to stay, and with no other forms of support available to them.

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