image of someone giving testimony about persecution

Preparing for the asylum interview – from those who have been there

Legal Updates

Over the years of working with people going through the asylum and immigration system, we have seen how disastrously unprepared most people are going into their asylum substantive interview.

This is one of the reasons we produce the Right to Remain Toolkit, and why we’re working with a new group in Sheffield to help new asylum-seekers prepare for their asylum interview.

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Refusal of entry to the UK and re-entry bans

Legal Updates

Under the immigration rules, there are “general grounds” under which an application to enter the UK can be refused.

In addition to the general grounds of refusal, re-entry bans are applied to certain categories of people who breached immigration law in certain ways in a previous attempt to enter or stay in the UK.

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Brexit and EEA nationals’ right to remain in the UK

Legal Updates

Since the Brexit referendum we have, not surprisingly, been contacted by lots of people asking about the situation for European nationals and their families.

It’s been a difficult question to answer because there’s still so much uncertainty about what the legal situation will be after Brexit – it will depend on negotiations and perhaps new agreements with EEA states.

There have, however, been some really useful resources put out to explain the current situation, what may change, and what people can do to be in the strongest position possible when the UK leaves the European Union.

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